Thursday, August 27, 2015

to my little sister

today you left for college. I know we both cried, but I hope this will be one of the best experiences of your life. I hope you find yourself. I hope you shine, and become a light to everyone who meets you. I know you are to me. I also know that we have so many memories that I'll never forget. The small things. Like late night McDonald's runs, and making macaroni and cheese at 3am with the laugh attacks and the silliness. Things like driving up big cottonwood canyon ~ blasting Coldplay and taking turns driving so we could look at the stars. Things like picking you up in the middle of school your sophomore year and taking you to Arby's, because we were both having a hard day. Or listening to Bon Iver in the winter, and running track with you in Texas. Things like singing with you and watching you run in cross country meets ~ beating your PR every time. I could go on and on. But Nik, you stood by my side through some hard days. You are truly my best friend. You are so beautiful and strong. I cannot wait to see where this life takes you. I love you Nicole Renee, go kill it at BYU 😘

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